Lately I've been noticing I've been painting on basically the same size format for some time. I never gave it much thought, but when I started to realize that I've been here done that, kind of thing, again, and again, .. I thought, maybe I should mix it up a bit, and break the confines of a regular rectangular or square format. I thought maybe I should try to work in a composition into a narrow format just for a challenge. Well, I did, and am working on my second one now. I will continue to do this, until it too becomes the norm, and then I will venture out again to try yet something else. This is the way of my art at the present, and I will just see it through until I play it out. Whatever it takes to keep motivated. And if I'm not, .. I'll just paint anyway. Those works I fall into a series I will call, my Un-motivated work. And chances are, it will motivate me to do something else.
I call this piece, ..
"Wilderness Canyon" 12 x55" acrylic on 100% cotton rag heavyweight paper ©2013 russ potak